
The story of the CLAIKS brand began with a group of young people's dream: to make technology more accessible and allow people to enjoy a healthier life with the help of technology. They found that the market was flooded with expensive health products and realized that ordinary people could not easily access to the latest technology products. So they began to think about how to make the benefits of health technology available to more people.

Technology for The People

After years of research and development, CLAIKS team finally found a way to launch a series of cost-effective products with "health technology" as the core and "affordable" as the basis. These products not only have cutting-edge health technology, but also focus on user experience and ease of use, so that everyone can easily use them. At the same time, the CLAIKS team makes high-quality technology products accessible to more people through a reasonable price strategy, realizing the concept of "technology for the people".

Serve the Health and Happiness

In CLAIKS' world, technology and health promote each other to create a better life together, and CLAIKS always believes that technology is not just something high and noble, but should also serve the health and happiness of human beings. Therefore, CLAIKS will always be committed to developing more humane, efficient and healthy technology products, so that everyone can enjoy the convenience and happiness brought by technology.